Sunday, November 20, 2011

Internet in WS

Slow internet is not just only annoying issue which applied to me. For many Woodstockers, slow internet makes people become angry and slowly turning them insane. In my case, sometime that I thought I would have killed myself because of the slow internet. On a beautiful day, most of the Woodstockers are enjoying their tea time under the warmth sun lights. Only I and myself are fighting with the essay, because it is due at 2:00 and I have to write one more paragraph which is the conclusion. I finished the essay at 1:58, and I was so happy that I had to scream out. I opened internet explorer. It was slowly opened at 1:59, and I had 30 more seconds before the dead line which the time it is due. Normally, will only take 15 seconds to be opened. But this time I counted to 20 seconds but it still did not open. I became more frightened that my 10% of my essay is going to be cut off. Still the webpage was loading. But you know that time does not stop or wait for anyone, and my essay was due late that day I was so angry that I actually broke the keyboard. Anger does not help me to get 10% which were cut off back. I became calm and tried to pretend that one day internet in Woodstock will become better. That day still never comes; I have been waiting until the day graduate. The internet speed is still the same. Luckily my temper is not as hot as my friend. If it was my friend who could not submit work right on time. He could have punch the wall till he is bleed. Everything just frustrates me when the internet is slow. It just like killing me from inside for waiting the webpage to load.
One more thing, human life is depended so much on internet.
Don’t CUT it down no matter what!!!!  

1 comment:

  1. Your font color is white.. To read it, people have to select it.
