Sunday, November 13, 2011

Mom is the BEST

103. Tell us about a person who influenced your life in a significant way. (Princeton)

Without my parents, I do not think that I would be able to make dream of my life comes true. The quality that they are taking care of me is the best. There is nothing that can compare to what I my parents did to me. I learned how to taking care of people from my parents. The way my parents took care of me impact my characteristic. Overall my parents are good, but the especially, my mom is the one that understand me a lot. Dad is just a person gave me advice, I can not listen to what my Dad says all the time, I have got to believe in myself and my ability. Except in the case that I am in the bad situation, and I can not decide for myself.  Mom has been taking care of me since I was born, and I know deeply that my life is value more than her life. She has been scarifying for me. Like buying all the best stuffs for me, working more than what she wants to pay the school fee for me. Before I got the characteristic of taking care of people, I was an arrogant, selfish and always did thing that only I got benefit. One day I realize that all the selfishness does not bring me joys, friends. I asked my Mom why, and she said: “My dear son, may be you should learn how to taking care of people. I believe by that way you will be able to find you a good friend, and the joys will come when you have friend. After listening to my and applying what she told me. The outcome was more than what I expected. My life changed since there.

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