Thursday, November 3, 2011

A person who helped me escapse from the "Loneliness"

Tell us about the neighborhood that you grew up in and how it helped shape you into the kind of person you are today. (Yale and the University of Chicago)

There was a girl lived next to my house. Her name is ...... She was the one that helped shape me into the person who is talkative and friendly. When I was a kid, I did not socialize much with everyone around me, because I was shy, and I do not know what to say to the person in front of me. I was a type of silent person. I did everything on my own; and I did not rely on anyone help. I was invisible with the environment that I lived in.

Until a day, there was a family who moved next to my house. The girl lived in the house beside my house, was an energetic, talkative, nice, and an only one that actually talked to me. One day, when I stayed late in school, because there was a party in my house, and every member in my family was busy. I decided to walk home alone, but I was too scare to go without anyone. Then I realized that I was a "loner". The word “loneliness” was used to describe me. Suddenly, someone call my name from the back. It was my neighbor, and she said that she wanted to walk with me to my house (Forgot to mention that she applied into the same school as me). I thought “Two people are better to walk than walking alone”. On the way back, she made me answered all her questions. Finally, I realized that it was so easy to socialize with people. After that day, I talked more with her, then my family. Finally, I started talking to my friends in school, and they said that I have a good scene of humor.

Because of the shyness, I became a silent guy, and did not socialize with anyone. With the appearance of my neighbor, she helped me became a new person. At the moment I talked to my neighbor on the day walking back from school, I finally took out the mask that I was hiding behind. The title “loner” was gone after that day.

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