Sunday, November 13, 2011

Risks are unavoidable.

16. Describe a risk that you have taken and discuss its impact on your life. (Kalamazoo College/93)

            For some economists, they will say an advice that the consumer or the producer should take the risk; but for some economists, they say it does not matter what risks the consumer or the producer are taking. The reason is that everything is depended on their luck.
In this writing, I consider myself as a consumer, and I have been taking many risks in my miserable life. None of the risks that I had taken was a good choice, but I could not stop it, it is part of my life. I have to take the risks to move on.
            I have taken many risks in my miserable life. Most of them were not good, and the failing are just keep coming. In life, there are many choices that I have to make and the hard one came when I had to decide which school that I am going to. When I finish my 9th in a Vietnamese school, my parent asked me if I want to go to study abroad. I was confused and kept thinking that should I go or not. I was constantly kept thinking about it. Should I stay in Vietnam and study there, or should I go to study abroad? I do not want to stay away from my family, friends, and my relatives. They all are my wall that I can lean on when the failing parts come to my life. Finally the decision occurred that I wanted to go to study abroad. My life changed since the day I made the decision. I took the risk and now I am different now. I have to become more responsible, study hard, and try everything with my best since I do not want to send back to Vietnam. In the beginning, I was regretting the risk that I took. Later I found out that the risk that I took was the turning point for my miserable life.
It does not matter what risks you took. I know two things from taking the risks are. One you will fail something by taking the risk, but the thing that you fail will be a new experience for you. Second, I will be success as you take it, because as if you do not take it, you might end up being regret about it. Risks will show up soon, later. Eventually, it can come across your decisions, you would be better prepare for it.

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