Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Life is hard to save or not ???

18. What invention would the world be better off without, and why? (Kalamazoo)

All the inventions have different use. Such as the phone for communication, ipod for the entertainment, but one invention was created and it was useless. That was the atomic bomb. I do not know the reason why did the scientists created it? For personal use, or war; none of that will help the human kind.
I saw the caused of the atomic bomb in Japan. Why did the American drop it on them? Does the American have the right to do it? I still do not get it. The fact is that atomic bomb has a huge destruction power. Despite all of that destruction power, what else can it does? I wonder. Another cause that atomic bomb can bring is that it is very expensive. To make an atomic bomb, it takes a lot of money. With that amount of money, we can build many schools for some countries which have a low economic. Instead of making a bomb to destroy a country, and bringing doom or radiation to the human kind, we can do something better. Why don’t we spend that amount of money to Africa to save the hundred thousand African? The big fact is that it is harder to kill than to heal. Why some people do not have that thinking? Some countries spent million to million to upgrade the offensive and defensive systems to protect their country. What a waste of money! I think that those political leaders in some strong countries do not even consider how value the human life is. In the case that the atomic bomb makes an explosion, all the people in a big area will be kill; and the radiation. How can the local people live near that area deal with it? Anyway the atomic bomb is useless. It does not help anyone in anyway. The best solution is that all the project about it should be destroy in order to make human life more insecure.

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