Sunday, November 13, 2011

Advice for high school

If you were to look back on your high school years, what advice would you give to someone beginning their high school career? (Simmons)

I do not really know what advice I would give to the freshman in their high school career. My whole school year went very fast. I did not have time to listen to the advice of people. All I did was study hard. So then I think my advice for the freshman is study hard. Why the first advice I give is studying hard, because a freshman does need it a lot. As a freshman is doing well in his high school, he will easily find a good college or university when he gradates. Studying is not an only problem that the freshman is going through. Believe me there are tons and tons problem that a freshman has to deal everyday. Until he adapts to the new environment of the high school, he will see things slow down. Therefore, friends will solve the problem for them. Making friends in high school is very easy. Whenever you shout they are there for you, but are they really your best friend, or just “FRIEND”. Do not get mix up those two, because friends in high are different in elementary school. I do not think that the freshman can realize whenever they get stab from behind by his own friend. So choosing is another issue. Make the teacher favorite you is a good advice I can give. Talk to them, and be nice to them. By doing so, a freshman will see his grade go up so fast. There is a benefit to do something right. As a freshman follows my advice, he will see his high school career go very easy, fast. That is what I have done for my high school career. Trust me; it is not that hard if you do not follow these advices (just kidding). By the way, do not forget about the girls, they are the best.

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