Sunday, November 20, 2011

I dont know what to put for this so let's call it "Me and my country"

There was a big argument about the environment that you live in will make your personality and it is still carrying on till now. I think that for me, I am a mixture of the environment that I live Woodstock and my home. For me living in Vietnam made the person I am today, because I just learn how to make friend and adapt to the new environment. Only Vietnam that made my personality and thus that place is where I am from. Sometime, when I look back to my hometown, it is not modern like US, but it is the mixture of the beauty of ancient and the modern of technology. In the city you will find some place look like very old such as Hoi An, but when you move to the main city, you will find yourselves in America. If you get a chance to go to Hoi An, you will find people with old fashion style. As you keep going straight to the city where the land does not look different from America that much. You will get to see KFC, Domino, and some other food stores that are very famous in U.S. Not only food, you will also some fashion shops which are very popular. Such as Louis Vuiton, Channel, and etc will be find easily. Being a product of this country is that I became a person that can listen to the golden music of Michael Jackson, some classical music to Rap of Eminem, R&B of B.O.B, finally the rock of Linkin Park. Not just listen to music; I become a fan of Korean dramas, fashion, and English. Only one thing would define me as a Vietnamese where I am from is that Vietnamese is very simple but have a lot of love. Even that I am in India and joined Woodstock Community, but my heart and my feeling for my country is the same. 

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