Wednesday, November 30, 2011

An ability gift: telepathy.

#21 If you had the gift of telepathy, the ability to read other people’s minds, would you use this gift or not? Explain. (Middle East Technical University/93)

It is very awesome if I have telepathy, an ability that can read other people’s mind. There for I will take a good use of that ability. In the past, human did not have any trick or any evil plans like nowadays. Many and many famous persons died due to their trust. If I can receive the ability that can read people mine, I will have something to back up when they try to trick me. Also, I can find out who has a plan to murder me or not. Forgot to mention that if a student such as me has this ability, they will be definitely using this ability to cheat on the exams or test. Knowing that cheating is not good, but what else can a person think of a purpose of using this power as a wonderful gift that not everyone can get. For me, I will join all the trails and help the judge to find out who is the murder, stealer, or even terrorist. A good use of this ability is to help this world becoming a better place. Not just helping destroying the evil plan that many people come up, I will defend the justice that I find it is good. Reading people mine is bad, because we are not allowed to read what they are thinking. On the other words, we are using their private. I am sure that I will take this power to use for the world, and not just for my personal use. In some case, I will have to use it for my good, such as to find out think that I have ever wondered in my life. I just need to figure those secrets out. Curiosity is unavoidable for every single human in this world.   I am sure about that.

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