Monday, November 7, 2011

An advice which turned my life became better.

3. What is the best advice you ever received? Why? And did you follow it? (University of Pennsylvania)

It was on a day that I stood in the International Air port of India. The day that I thought I would never get to do the stuffs that I used to. No more hanging around with my family, and friends. All I could do was waiting next phone call, but it seemed hopeless. No more phone call. I was nerves at the moment that I went on the airplane. I never thought I had to go to study abroad. That was the final decision from my parent. The only good advice I got was from my Pops. He was the one that always give me good advices. Also he saved me many times from the dangerous situations by giving good advices. He said: “Son, you always make me proud, and I know you will make me proud again. I know that. Remember! Never give up, no matter what the situation is. Just stand up and fight, when you stuck, use your head”. First I do not get what he meant, but later the meaning of his advice made a turning point for me.

First time going on the trip alone, I felt very insecure because, my parents were not there to protect me. They once said: “In the house we can protect you as much as we can, but when you go out to the society, you are out of our range. Thus we can not protect you anymore”. I realized that the situation that I was in that current time was tough and it required a lot of my toughness to pass it. Although I could not stand up and took my way. First, I was confused and so sure that everything I did was wrong. Also, I did not know what to do, and I could not adapt to a new environment in India. I was a failure or a lost soldier without a combat at that moment; I did not know whether that I should listen to what my parents said or listened to myself. Suddenly, I found myself back again from the advice that my father gave me when I left. After that, I had more confident in myself. Now, whenever I look back to my past. I see a huge different. My Pops turned my life up in a better with just one advice. Can you find someone do the same thing to you?

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