Saturday, November 5, 2011

Wonderful Day

·  If you had a day to spend as you wish, how would you use your time? (Carleton College)

As many economists say that, “time is a limited resource”. Time is not capable to control for the humankind. So we have to use it cleverly. If I have a day as I wish, I would use the time wisely, because it is an only day that I have in my entire life.  Then, my point is that I will spend the time mostly with my family, because they act as a major role of my life. Next I will spend time with my girlfriend; she is the one who shared with me everything. Afterward, I will do what I wanted to do the most.

For my family, I will talk to them; share my feeling, my thought about life, and my top secrets. While I am having many conversations with my relatives; I will serve the snack and drink to them. The food will keep people busy and give them satisfaction with their mouth, and their stomach. I give my hand in helping my mom and aunt cooking the food.  The topics of the conversations will be broad, such as about school, daily life, work, sometime about the mistakes of life. I think the conversations are mainly about me, since I am the special one in the whole family.

            The next person is my special one. She is the one that shares with me everything, and this person has a huge effect in me. From school, to outside school, she is the one who helps me a lot. For this special day I will make it the most special day ever for her. She has been caring, and always helping me no matter what the situation is. Maybe this is the only chance that I can show her how much I love her. I then prepared a special gift which I spent a lot of time to do it. And for this special day, I will use many sweet words to talk to her.  

After the time that I spend to finish the object that I listed above, I will use the rest of the time of the day to relax. Maybe I will look back to the past, and have some thought about what already happened in the past or may be the future. The thing that concerns me a lot is the “Time”. The matter is that I want more time to do more things, but….. That is the list of my special day.  

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