Saturday, November 19, 2011

About the path that you choose

In life, there are many different paths to choose. Each person has to decide a patch for his life. Left and right are two easy terms to use for a person when they have to decide where to go. An easy example for this is a story. This story has been using in many fairy tale stories. A person has to decide an easy path or a hard path, but every patch has a different ending. But the moral of this story is that when you choose the path that you like, you can always change the patch if it fits you. There is no rule or law that against this. This situation happens a lot in the battle. Either the soldier has to stay in the battle and die like a man, or he can run and lives a life of a coward. So the question is that, should a person back out when he thinks he can not do it anymore. The answer is yes because, if he keeps on trying and the result is still zero, thus he has to change the path. At least he has some experiences for the next try. For my belief, I think that if a person can change his direction depends on his situation. If he does have a lot of confident in himself, a new path will be easy for him. The patch will be hard as he is lacked of confident. As a student, if you do not try your best, you will never know what is going to happen.  If you get low grade, you give up. The path to become a good student is block. As that person has more confident and goes to ask the teacher for help. His grade will automatically go up. That is how a person can change his direction. 

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