Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Teleport DOOR ? Any better idea

If I could invent something, I would invent a nuclear battery. A battery which provides endless energy. Threats of radioactivity can be eliminated by putting a lead casing on it but the possibilities and resources this battery will open are endless. People all over this world are looking for reliable energy resources and nuclear power is one of the solutions. If a kg of plutonium can generate the same energy as the sun, an AAA battery made out of it would be good of a deal. Remotes, cars, laptops, phones, music systems, power backups, electricity, car fuel are just some of the many things this battery can be used for. Everybody on this planet currently looks for green, clean and profitable energy resources. Manufacturers look for green cash and green grass at the same time which creates a problem as to get any you have to sacrifice the other. So why not make them a deal which benefits both the sides. Of course the battery is going to be expensive for seeing. I mean manufacturing costs, area, security are only some of the hazardous threats this battery can bring but costs get eliminated as market competition comes in. The risk of radioactivity may seem bad to some, but who told you to make a radioactive plant in a neighborhood? Security. Well fires in a nuclear factory are bad seeing what happened in Chernobyl, but with some careful night shift workers and running reactor tests on time, we all can live happy ever after with an energy source which never ends, never stops and most of all, will be dirt cheap.

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