Thursday, December 1, 2011


Find X:
X is just an undefined value or a mysterious sign. Many people have been using the X for the many purposes. Such as love we will use XXX for a kiss, for sexual we are going to use XXX for the female, for the some p**n we might want to say XXX. X has been and always using for those purpose mainly. In education, mathematic uses X as a number that we have to find, which makes many students have to use their brain as its limit to find what that unknown number is. In literature, we want to use X as subject that can not be defined. How about science, the scientists use the X for the destination where they want to aim the rockets or missiles. Forget to mention that X can also be used in the map to point out the destination. For me X is just a letter which can show my curious toward the stuffs that I do not know. I do not really think that X has another use like what I list above. Maybe there is some use of the letter X that I do not know. Like in some manga, the bad, evil characters tend to use the letter X for their crimes. I think it is very cool the way they use it. However, people just tend to think that the letter X is just special. Look closely that letter, I think that it does not have any special meaning. It is just the way people think that make it becomes special.  Or some people want to use X as their goal to achieve something that they plan out. One again I want to say that X does not have any meaning. It just that its appearance is cooler than other letter.  

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