Thursday, December 1, 2011

The ending of the challenge............

107 What is your approach to life? Reveal your life philosophy.
The most important for me in life is to have fun, just enjoy the best I can right now, because time is going too fast, and I do not think that I have enough time to do it later. I do not want to regret about the things that I did not do. Having fun here not just fooling around. I do not just study, but will voluntary for every single activity. In the past, I have missed so many chances that I could have proven myself that I am not bad. Let’s hear my example; before I came to Woodstock, I was a kid who did not have any friends. The reason was that I was too shy to talk to people and I just ignored everyone. Since I came to Woodstock, I had no choose but to talk to people and I realized that how much fun when I talked to people. I feel better, because I have someone to share my thought, my idea, or even my sadness. About the activity, even if I know that I am good, but I can really stand in front of the crow and do it. I FEEL scare…… But not anymore, now I have some more confident to do whatever bring me joy or fun. At least I have someone to help or even listen to me when I have sorrow, or even when I go through the depression.  So one again, my philosophy of my life is that just have fun, a quote from a famous person is that “You never know what will happen. UNLESS, you try.” So listen to me and try your best, even know that you can’t win but just give your best shot. You never know the outcome.

Phew….Finally I got this assignment done. I never thought I could have done this challenge. 

STILL this is the ending of the CHALLENGE


  1. Congratulations for completing the challenge.
    You seem to be carefree about life and seem to enjoy it to the fullest. This is a very optimistic and joyful approach. But you hold also always keep in mind a goal that you have set for the future and try to achieve it.

  2. I agree with Harshit. I love your optimistic approach towards life. People miss out on 99% of chances in their life and then live to regret about it. You're not like that. You're making the most of your life here in woodstock and i truly respect that. After reading your article i truly agree with your philosophy of the word "fun", which for you is studying and enjoying. Good work mate.^^

  3. Hung, I was inspired by your life philosophy!! I tend to regret my day, but after reading this I decided to enjoy the moment I live in. I totally agree with you and I will also do that. But I also believe that "fun" should not be the only goal in our life. If we just have fun right now, we can end up begging in street lol. So let's have fun and also srive and challenge for our acedemic goal.
