Thursday, December 1, 2011

Academic record

164 Do you believe that your academic record accurately reflects your abilities? Explain.

According to me I do not think so, how does academic record can really reflects the abilities of a person? Let’s take an example, a person who runs so fast can really study good in some subjects such as Pre- calculus or Literature. The answer is no. Academic record just to shows that how much concentration of a person on the subject to get a good scores or letter grade. Another example is that in order to get a good grade in the class, a student has to follow the instruction of the teacher, just a little bit mistake that person might get a point of. Where the creativity and interesting of a student will go? From there we clearly see the answer that academic record can’t really reflect the abilities of a student, because it limits the potential of a student. When a teacher puts the limitation on a student, it is not just killed the imagination of a student, but to make them hate the subject more. I have a friend, he does not like English, but still the teach force him to do the challenge. He has no choice but to do it because he does not want his grade to drop because of one stupid challenge. From there, does anyone thing that the grade of this assignment can reflects my friend’s ability. I will not answer this question and I will leave the answer to you. 


  1. Academic record is just a letter that rates a person on the subject, not on their abilities for everything else. A persons abilities are something that defines them and academic record does not define that.

  2. There isn't any right answer to this question, but you're showing yourself to have a rather narrow perspective. It's fine to have a strong opinion, but for a college essay at least, you should assess situations fairly. No one is saying that a good or bad academic record defines a person, but to an extent, it does reflect their abilities. Whether or not you want to do something, chances are, you're going to have to do it. That's what life is all about. Can you cope with that?

    That's what an academic record reflects. There are always going to be limitations and guidelines in any field of life you get into - be it medicine, law, or even creative writing - and more often than not, you're probably not going to like them. That doesn't mean you can just go ahead with writing the situation off as hopeless and blaming the world. If you do, it only reflects badly on you.

    Your essay should have a point, not be a rant. If you want to turn it into a rant, then make it somewhat amusing or entertaining - if you can't, then at least pretend to evaluate both sides of a story.

    "Ability" is not necessarily your "unrealized potential." Rather, it is what you can actually do. Have you done something absolutely phenomenal that has nothing to do with school? If so, mention it. It'll provide your argument with some backbone.

    Sometimes, that's what an academic record reflects. The ability to make the best of what you may find a difficult situation.

    That's the answer I'm left with after reading this.

    - PD
