Thursday, December 1, 2011


180.If you could ban anything in the world, what would it be and why?

 If I could ban anything in the world, I would definitely ban the way people think about gay people. What have the gay person done to the humanity? They did nothing, but why all the people around them want to be mean to them. Using the word “mean” in here is very soft and nice. I think the best words for this is trashing, forcing, or even pushing the gay people to their limitation. One side of the truth is that human wants to be nice to the gay, just to show their pity to them. The other side is that they are trashing, thrilling, or even protest against gay people. Many and many laws, rules, or even political that have been giving that they should not treat the gay people bad. Are they are sure that laws and rules that they apply to the reality world work. I do not think so. Looking at some country such as Vietnam, gay people can be seen as a bad thing in the society. Gay people do not even get to do what they really want to do. Also they are seen by the people as a lower class than the labor. I do not really know why people just being racism about it. Try to look back sometime in the past, how many gay people died due to the stupidness and jealousness of the people in the society. One again, let’s me ask you, what have they done to you so that you have to treat those people like that? They are not accepted in the society, why? Just because gay people love the people in the same gender as them instead of loving you and that is not the point. The point is that those people who hate gay people should think over it again. STOP BEING CHILDLISH!!! BE MORE MATURE OR A GROWN MAN!!!

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