Thursday, December 1, 2011

A perfect place

182. If you were awarded an expense-paid trip to any one place in the world, where would you go? Why?

Any place in the world??? WOW, that sounds very interesting, but I would definitely choose the place that I can find out the reason why I am there, and what am I going to do there? I do not really know what do know and where to go. As I am writing my answer for this college essay, I stuck here with some confusion in my head and the exam tomorrow which I do not even study. A place that would help me in finding myself, I doubt that there is a place like that. A place has a lot of fun that I can enjoy and it never ends. In my dream I would definite find it, but when I come back to the reality. It is not there. If it is there, I would definitely go there and settle down. I will come back to the reality to find it. As my parents want me to become successful, I guess USA is the best place to start off. USA is the place that everyone would call the land of opportunity. There will be many chances for a person like me to find out myself. I am lost in the place that I am living right now. Everyone is wearing the mask that I can not even see through. Also forget to mention that the people in the place that I want to go; they do not wear mask. They are very open and friend, and they do not hide themselves behind the mask. I am still finding, and one day I am sure that the place that I am looking for will be there and wait for me. 

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