Thursday, December 1, 2011


179. Should college students be required to take physical education courses? Why or why not?

According to my personal experience, health is the most important for every student. Nowadays, students are overload with work, and therefore stamina and health is required a lot. Imagine that waking up at 7: 00 AM every single day to prepare for yourself a good day to study. Do you think that it is possible for college student? I am not sure with that answer is YES. Most of the college students have a lot of work compare to the time that they are still in the high school. Therefore I will give my answer to this question. College students are required to take the physical education course. Not just for their health, also it is very easy to earn a good grade in college.  Not just for a fit body that everyone likes, but for the better future. Some people  are not confident in themselves or scare of sport. By taking the physical education course, it will help them become more active and they can gain more confident. I am sure that by making the college students take this course, it will also help them improving their leadership, friendship, partnership, and also sportsmanship. Physical education course is not just important in order to gain a good healthy body. It will also give college students a lot of benefits. For an example, a college student have to do listen to the lectures in school for 5 hours a day, and they also have to work for another 2 hours to gain money to use. Without the Physical education course, they will be exhaust with load of works. By taking the physical education course, I will have enough energy or stamina to catch up with their work and study. SIMPLE TO UNDERSTAND RIGHT ????

1 comment:

  1. You could improve this post by watching out for grammatical errors. You tend to get mixed up with your tenses, so working on that could help make your writing better.
