Saturday, March 24, 2012

Week 3, Prompt 4: "The Rise of 'Awesome'" by Robert Lane Greene (Intelligent Life)

Central argument: Awesome stands for things are different from its original; on the other words its meaning is revolution

Many things have changed over time such as phones, technology, our daily life and various things. Humans are part of the word awesome. What I mean is that humans have been evolving many times from the ancient time to the modern recently. Also various things have its own revolution to reach a higher stage or rank, other than humans are animals, and even diction. Many words were changed its own meaning to something for the need of humans’ expression. Therefore, I agree with the article The Rise of Awesome, written by Robert Lane Green. The article explains how the word “Awesome” changed its meaning over time to establish the need of humans in expressing their feeling. The reason I agree with the article The Rise of Awesome, Robert Lane, is that changing is a part of common sense, and to adapt to the situation.

Around the world, many revolutions have taken places, without revolution some countries are still under the control of colonization of some countries. Let’s take my country for an example; Vietnam was under the control of China for a long period of time, around thousand years. It is a common sense that a country is under the control of another country for that long period of time would actually rise up to get their freedom. Vietnam is not a part of China, we have our own language, and culture. Other countries are not allowed to colonize us. In this situation, revolution was taking a major role. Without revolution, I doubt that my country would even there on the world map.
Technology is a part of revolution, to adapt the market which pleases the customers. In this paragraph, I will use the phone model as my example. Many scientists have been thinking about what to upgrade. Therefore evolution is taking place. In the past, the model of the phone was very big, and heavy. Now, looking back to the phone, I see that it has changed so much. It is very small and light. What is the main point that I want to bring up here? It is the revolution that makes the change in the model of the phone from big and heavy to small and light. Humans’ expectation is becoming perfect which lead to the change. Maybe in the future, the same small and light phone model that we are using right now might change the size of the thinness. The model might be as thin as paper. The cause of revolution is unpredicted.
Our daily life also changed due to the meaning of the word “awesome” is revolution. From the past, humans have been using animals as the only transportation. Then go to the industrialization era, humans started to use train and transportation with used steam in order to work. Currently, humans are using oil and fuel to run the transportation. In the future, I think the revolution of the technology will stretch beyond our imagination now. The main point I want to bring up here is the revolution. In the past we used animals, but toward to the future, we are currently using transportations run by oil, fuel, and even electricity. How different it is from the past. All of this was caused by revolution. Some revolution is good which bring the goods and benefits for the humankind, but some revolution goes in the opposite direction of the good one. For an example, the novel, Animal farm, by …… Revolution acts as a major role to lead the animals to the utopia, but in the end everything goes wrong and even worst. The revolution between the animals and Mr. John led to the tragedy ending. Not all the revolutions are good.
We, humans really need the revolution, in order to reach to a higher level, but not all revolutions are good. It might bring the bad result. The change we need is to make our life easier. It is just like the word “awesome”, from its first meaning, it makes its own revolution to develop itself to have another meaning.

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