Friday, March 30, 2012

Prompt 3: "Please Read This Story, Thank You" by Linton Weeks (NPR)

Central argument: Magic words such as: “please” or “thank you” are being forgotten in our modern life-style.

I was rose up in an educated family. The words “please” and “thank you” go with me in most of my daily conversation. Maybe, these words are part of my life. I use it even when I talk to a stranger. I do not know what is happening in this world that we are living right now. Teenagers do not do what they are supposed to do, especially their behavior. They try to follow their model; just simply doing what their model is doing, being a cool guy. I am not saying that they should go back to what they believe, but I think that it is impossible to stop what they are doing. Since the teenagers these days are just too stubborn, or arrogant. Revolution is supposed to make better changes, but I only see the magic words such as “please” and “thank you” is being tolerant in this modern world. I believe in the article “Please read this story, thank you,” by Linton Weeks, is true because first, I have experienced it, people tend to forget the basic; second, Christ Brown is a model that many teenagers want to be like him.

I will use experience in my life to show that that the words “please” or “thank you” are being tolerant by our life-style. As I observe the life-style in Hong Kong city, I see that their life-style is very fast. People do not border to stay and talk for a minute. In their conversation, I only hear about business, and in the end of their conversation, I just heard the words “bye” or “I’ll see you later.” The question I want to bring up in here is that, is it taking a lot of time for say the magic words like “thank you”? The effect of the modern life-style has a big impact in our life style now. People just care about their own stuff. The first basic words that a human being learns when he or she goes to school are “please” and “thank you” but the more we grow up the more basic that we forget. I believe that we need to catch up with the modern life-style just to please the society that we are living right now, but forget the basic words like “thank you” and “please” are not acceptable.

A big model is like Christ Brown is an example for the two words “thank you” and “please” is being forgotten. Nowadays, the young generation tends not to say the words “please” and “thank you” because they think that it is uncool if they say it. Young generation wants to become just like their model, and they are just being arrogant and stubborn. They try not to accept the existent of the magic words “please” and “thank you”. The logic lies in this case is that, if Christ Brown is cool by not saying the words “please” and “thank you”, and the kids want to be cool, therefore we will have the result that the kids do not want to say the words “please” and “thank you”. Christ Brown is the model that stands for the new modern life-style. Therefore the existence of the words “please” and “thank you” are being forgotten.

Through the two examples I gave, it proves the fact that the magic words such as “please” and “thank you” are being forgotten by the modern life. I personally think that if the changes the society brings up make us forget about the basic, then I think that there is no need for that change, because it is necessary. For some time in your life, I recommend you to slow down what you are doing to see how things are being change, basic stuffs are being forgotten. You will know what I mean by that.

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