Friday, March 16, 2012

Week 2, Prompt 1: "Of Marriage and Single Life"

Central argument: Married makes man learn about responsibility, but also a prison which is trapping him from the successful; regardless everything about married and single, it is just about choice.

There are two kinds of successful man in the society which are man who is single and the other is married. There are benefits for getting married or staying single. A single man will have more chance in spreading his potential in becoming the best one for the society. Different from being single, a married man will have less chance in proving himself that he is a best citizen toward his society. Despite all the benefits of being married and staying single, none of the choice in this world is perfect. That is why I am agreeing with Sir Francis Bacon, a philosopher lived approximately 400 years ago, about his thesis because of Juggut Singh and Momhamed from Train to Pakistan, and my experiment of being single. The best thing is that a person can make a choice over their life about what decision fits him the most.

According to the novel Train to Parkistan by ….. ; The author gives a good example about a married man and single man who are Juggut and Momhamed . Juggut Singh is a good example about married man, but the author does not mention about the married relationship between Juggut Singh and his wife. Think deeply about this, toward the end of the novel Juggut becomes a hero model, and it is proved that he save the train on the way to Pakistan. Different from Juggut, Momhamed stays single, an educated, and a smart one. He contributed many works for his society which is Delhi. By setting this example, the author of the novel Train to Parkistan wants to show that it is about the choice, despite all the result.
I live my life for about 18 years and I am sure about staying single still I become success. With my philosophy, I know what benefits me if I am staying either single or in the relationship. About the case that I am staying single, I will not be holding by anything, such as responsibility for my wife, my children, and look for the future. I will be free wild and can do my own stuffs that I ever wanted to do. But If I am married, I have to look over my family, my wife, and my children. Not just stopping at family, I also have to look forward toward my society. But while I am single, I can contribute a lot to my society. I know that it is just about choice, and someday I have to make a decision.

Sir Fracis Bacon has given massive information of the benefit of getting married and being single. The reason why he gives many different information is that he wants to warn young man that they should consider about their decision of getting married or staying single. In life if a person makes a wrong decision it is very hard to fix it. I know how it is when I made a wrong decision.

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