Friday, March 16, 2012

Week 2, Prompt 3: "Of Youth and Age"

Being fearless, and have a good imagination is already there in the Youths, but not all have it.


We grow older and older everyday. On the other way, we become more mature. Everyone has to go through their youth age, and that is the law of nature. In the youth, we pretend that there is nothing to be fear or affair off, but we never know that the youth age passes so fast. Also not all the Youths have the spirit of being Fearless or imagination. Sir Francis Bacon brought a lot of example in helping to prove that his belief is true. I agree with his idea because of Juggut Singh and Mc. Murphy in both novel Train to Pakistan and One flew over the Cuckoo’s nest, and Taylor Swift, a teenager singer that they are special examples Youths. A person who runs out of either imagination or braveness might be considering that he is old.

As people do not know about the novels Train to Pakistan by …… and One flew over the Cuckoo’s nest by ……… These two novels contain good examples of Youth. Juggut Singh, main character in novel Train to Pakistan is one of the good examples of the Youth. Throughout the novel, Juggut has done many different challenges. He shows that he is fearless. An example which shows that Juggut is fearless is when stood up and protect the train on the way to go to Pakistan. His action was proved he is not affair of dying. Mc Murphy has an alternative ending from Juggut. Instead of scarifying the body to save the train, Mc Murphy was killed by his closest friend, Mr. Brommden. Through out the novel, Mc Murphy is a character who was portrait under ……’s imagination; despite the fact that Mc Murphy is a fearless person. The fact is that Mc Murphy did go against all the rules in the ward like beating up the Big Nurse who was considered the controller in the ward, making the vote or even party when he is not allowed. Both of characters have different story but they both the youth inside them; they are fearless.

About Taylor Swift, she has a good imagination. Writing songs which is using her experience, that is one way shows the she has the youth, by using her imagination. One of her album named “Fearless”, this album was sold for more than thousand copy, tells story about her life. Nowadays, it is hard to find a singer which has a good imagination like her which using her story life in a song. By showing the spirit of fearless, she accepts challenge; such as a first celebrity to appear on the cover of Justine magazine. Not stopping there, she moves on with her plan, by writing all the songs in the album “Speak Now”. Accepting challenge is like being fearless. Not all the youths can do the same thing as Taylor Swift.

Being special like Juggut Singh, Mc Murphy, and Taylor Swift is very hard. Having the youth is not a big problem because everyone has it. But make an efficient use of it is very hard. For the Youths these days, they are all fear of doing stuff, even stand up and answer the question. One again, being fearless and imagination will help you in building a good life.

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